In the coming weeks, our 5th graders will be hosting their first community service event of the school year! Students will be seeking snack donations that will be donated to four elementary schools in need across the district. Over 1,000 students in these four schools aren’t getting enough to eat and therefore struggle learning and focusing in class because they are hungry. Between October 17th-25th, please help by donating non-perishable, healthy snacks for our friends in Bellevue! Nut-free snacks may include: goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, fruit leathers, crackers, popcorn, pretzels, granola bars etc. Collection boxes will be in the front of the school as well as in the common area outside our 5th grade classrooms. G5 LEADS THE WAY!
Feel free to check out more information on the work we will be doing during October: Snacks for Schools 2016