5th Grade Parents,
We're getting excited for this week's 5th Grade Party at Family Fun Center! Nearly the entire 5th graders will be joining - we have 120 kids. There are 5 kids who won't attend and they will be dismissed in the normal way first.
As a reminder the party is this Wednesday, June 15th after school. Carpools leave from Cherry Crest at dismissal and will return to school starting at 4:45. A big THANK YOU to parents who are driving carpools and chaperoning. As this is a PTSA event we rely on parent volunteers to make this happen. We are grateful to have accommodated every student who can attend, with a ride to and from Family Fun Center in Tukwila.
Carpool lists are here - this list has been reviewed by all parent drivers and we have packed snacks per car based on this list as well. We won't be able to shift carpools. Thank you for your flexibility in advance. We have tried to group kids from the same class in most cases for easy dismissal. A couple classes didn't have enough drivers, so we had to move some kids into other classes' parents' cars.
In order to ensure the safety and fun of all our 5th graders we have some policies to share with you. Students will be representing Cherry Crest Elementary in a public setting so please discuss these with your child ahead of the party.
- This is a special event for our 5th graders; The entire party cost is covered for all students by 5th grade fundraising. Siblings are not allowed at the event.
- Students will get a G5 shirt on Tuesday, please wear that or Cherry Crest spirit gear if possible! It's fun and it helps us keep the kids together :-)
- Students should NOT bring anything extra to school on Wednesday. Backpacks could be left overnight in classrooms for retrieval Thursday morning. Teachers are aware of the party.
- Students should NOT bring cash or food to the party. If your student does have cash or food, they will be asked to leave it in the car by their chaperone. If your student has severe allergies and needs to bring a personal snack, they may do so and let their driver/chaperone know.
- Students WILL receive a snack pack en route to Family Fun Center, and cake will be served during the party. Students with allergies will be given alternate treats.
- Students WILL receive admission, wristbands for unlimited rides (Go Karts, Bumper Boats, Mini Golf, Laser Tag), one ticket for an extra ride (Batting Cages, Screamin Swing, Sling Shot), and 10 tokens for the arcade.
- Students MUST behave responsibly during travel to and from the party, and during the party, and comply with all Family Fun Center rules as well as driver/chaperone instructions.
- Driver/Chaperons will make sure that each car rider is picked up; so Please be prompt in picking up your kids at the end of the day and start waiting at school at 4:45pm!
- If you pick up your kids directly from FFC, please make sure that you check out at FFC with Michelle and inform your student's parent driver/chaperons.
If you have any questions please let us know via email. If you have an emergency need to contact your child during the party please contact the Family Fun Center directly at 425.228.7300.
Eileen & Michelle