Hello Parents!!
Believe it or not we are half way through the school year which means this is when needed parent participation for 5th Grade Activities picks up!!
We have a list of activities that we need your help with below! We’d love to have EVERYONE involved! 5th grade is a big year for your sons and daughters!!
1) Please fill out Driver Authorization form Download 2320P Exhibit G - Driver Authorization Form). If you plan on driving for any field trip and/or end of the year party this HAS to be done asap(if you haven’t already done!)!! Please turn in to the front office as school.
2) We need AT LEAST 2 people to put together the 5th Grade Memory Book. We have parents to help you from last year!!
3) We need one or two people to come up with gift ideas and take charge of donation for 5th grade class to give back to the school. See peace pole in school courtyard as an example of what last year’s class donated.
4) Start looking for baby/young kid pic of your 5th grader to be added to the 5th grade memory book. We’ll need a digital photo that you are able to email.
5) We need one or two people to arrange carpools and food and drink for Family Fun Center end of the year trip. Facility has already been booked. The date for this fun trip will be Wednesday June 17th from 1-4:30pm.
Please email us with your area of interest!!! We need YOUR help!!
Nancy Nelson ([email protected])
Joni Simon ([email protected])