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April 15, 2013


Kelsey (pole hugger)

Thanks Drew for an AWESOME slide show!!! I dont know anyone who could of done as helpful and good TECH-thingymabobber!!!! once again, THANK YOU for an EPIC talk show!! you are the BOSS!!!


Thanks Kelsey and I hope you guys loved it because that took me a while to make that but as I make more movies I'm getting faster at making them. so next time I make one it will probably take about a few hours! and I hope that you had a lot of people that told you that it was good.
lastly, its always a fun time with a good cast but don't make my other cast members feel bad but you guys were the BEST cast I have ever had. thanks to you guys to for making my filming fun for me!
Sincerely...DREW THE BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS Kelsey what's with the name "pole hugger" after your name??


i like hugging poles... they are AWESOME!!!!! LOL, so funny just kidding!!! it is just funny!!!

Kelsey (pole hugger)

By the Way nice... DREW THE BOSS!!!

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