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« Cougar attack at Cabelas | Main | Sneak peek of the new classroom! »

August 27, 2012



Hey Mr.R I'm loving middle school thanks for being the best teacher ever :D (i went to starting strong a program that tells you what you will be learning it was kind of like camp nothing like "read strong" i made a million new friends and i hope you have fun too thanks again -Mason

Mr. Regala

Hi Mason! I'm glad you're excited to start school. I know you'll make new friends and do well. Just stay motivated and remember you can do anything you put your mind to! Moo...

Khocco Iz In Peru

Mr.Regala, did you close down the g5 life edmodo group? Because my account doesnt have it D:

M. Regala-, votre enseignant

@Khocco- yes, I've archived our class group, but you can still use your account.

Khocco Iz In Peru

awwww :c you should make a 2012class group so we can talk about school and stuff, maybe! ^w^


I went to Oceon shores in the summer



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