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« In case you miss our old classroom... :) | Main | Cougar attack at Cabelas »

July 23, 2012



Cool, you're not in the picture though!

M. Regala-, votre enseignant

@Shavi- I'm toooo scary to be in the picture... :)


OMG mr.regala sooo sorry i cant come to help unpack the new classroom even though i really wanted to i am going to be in cali maybe i can come after i should be back by the 26th BTW they now make the blown up germs in key chains!

M. Regala-, votre enseignant

@Ali- no worries... Have a blast in California and I hope you're having a great summer break! Feel free to come by the classroom anytime. You and the G5 are always welcome in my classroom!!


@ Mr.Regala: The summer homework is not as hard as I thought. Thanks for making me a better reader or it would have been hard. Thanks again, Hawk

When i be Trolin, You be hating.

M. Regala-, votre enseignant

@Mason AKA "Hawk" - it's all you... if you believe, you can do it... :)


mr.regala r u going to be up at the school today


I just injured my OTHER foot playing soccer!!!!

kHoCcO lIkEs ChEeSe. . . >:D

Ouch... Careful wiwth the foot Caitlin... Maybe after practice just put ice on your foot and then go to sleep, maybe your foot will become numb and u wont feel the pain :o

kHoCcO lIkEs ChEeSe. . . >:D

Me and my mom found a Burger King here in Piura, Peru. . . I got a jr whopper... and it actually tastes like american mayonaise! (I think I spelled that wrong) But the Mayo' here is soo.... different... and so is the corn, and my cousins think its gross to eat a whole tomatoe as if it where an apple, but i ate it and they got all like 'ewwwwwwwww thats gross', *sigh...*

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