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November 23, 2010


Cory/the runner

wow ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry my mom let me use her phone right now.


wow this is going to be BBOORRIINNGG week for me


yayyyyy then im gettin ready to go to canada will be snowy there so i bet i cant go :/ :(


Were not going to do the tutky bowl I was really looking for it.


I know right.We could have been champions again!!


Were not going to do the turky I was really looking for it.

Mr. Regala

We can still do the Turkey Bowl when we get back...it will be just a late Turkey Bowl. :)

Have fun in Canada Majeedo!!!

Gwendolyn...I'm sure you can find something to do that is not sooo boring. :)

Fernando...have fun!! Gobble...gobble!


I really want to make glow in the dark dough. I have no salt and because of road conditions,I can't get any. But still, I went sledding yesterday and had lots of fun.


Well besides sleeping late, I still wake up early any way.Today I did go sledding with my friends.


Cory and I sled on the roads. It was fun exept Cory and I were in one sled and we were out of control so we bot hit by a car.


Cory and I sled on the roads. It was fun exept Cory and I were in one sled and we were out of control so we both got hit by a car.


I got salt but the glow dough is to sticky to make something. But I am going to Ahan's house. I'm having an awesome weekend.



That is one weird turkey


I just woke up because I ate alot of turky and you what happens when you eat alot of turcky ,... you ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Mr. Regala

Ditto...Fernando...I passed out last night from too much turkey...:)


Tee Hee


hehehe...funny looking turkey.....hehehe

alexis the short ne

se you guys later




No turkey bowl man I was gonna take time off of school!!!!!!!

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