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« A friend to me is.... | Main | G4 Paragraph Practice! »

January 29, 2010


Thunderbird / Fernando Javier

Wooooowwwwww Tanya it was your first time on this and you did perfect


Hi everybody this is my first time on the blog Cory told me about the website. Bye everybody

Travis >.

u misspelled Wednesday and u forgot 2 caps. some words....... ain't spelling hard >.> hahaha <.<

Celeste :P

Good job Tanya!

Mr. Regala

Hi Connor,

Welcome to the Blog!


Why Tavis why?


U 5th and 4th graders look so cute:p

Thunderbird / Fernando Javier

Ya welcome Conner you wil love the class blog :>

Thunderbird / Fernando Javier

Travis please don't write text mesege way

Travis >.

hey hey Fernando im not at school im at home so i could do txt way and Tanya u misspelled my name......... =( very sad


How is everybody doing?


Hello anyone on the blog?


Hey Connor, I hope you like our website because there is plenty of things to do on here like math-
magician,posts,book ratings,math movies and ect.Oh and why is everybody talking about Tanya you ask is because everybody knows that Mr.Regala always does the pictures and opening comments and now Tanya did it for the first time and she is so good!!And Connor, can we also talk about recess...because I am sorry...BYE!

Michelle bieber

Wow,Practesing??? OMG I can't spell either lol!

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