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January 11, 2010


Travis xD

immmmmmmmmmm reaty im reaty im reaty immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ready!!!!!!!!!!!!


Me ready.

Silvia J.Bs future wife

OMG~~Travis woke up at 5:27!!!I wake up like at 7:00AM

Silvia J.Bs future wife

I waz playing the scary maze game!!! Ita waz soooo dumb!! It waz not scary!!!

Thunderbird / Fernando Javier

I wake up at 7:00 too :->


I wake up at 5:00 to play my wii

Thunderbird / Fernando Javier

really Gwendolyn that's the only time you can play your wii? no seriusly

Thunderbird / Fernando Javier

Mr. Regala when are you going to post the picture of the poop of your daughter baby doll ?


hi Mr.Regala. How is the school going????? Middle school is fun but we have alot of hw. well talk to you later and say hi to Mrs.Lindberg for me. bi bi


Hola, como estas?

Mr. Regala

Hi Natallie!

LOng time no talk! School is going good and we're really busy too. Keep working hard in all you do, I know you'll do great! I'll pass the hi on to Ms. Lindberg. Have a great 3 day weekend....

Mr. Regala

Muy bien Teresa...tu?


Mallamo Isbel....


Que esta bien???

Fatima Mirza

Hey Mr.R!! Long time no see or talk! Ive been really busy ever since I come back from my trip around the world!! I have a A in everything especially spanish but I have a c- in Pe:p My pe teacher hates me......

Silvia J.B future wife



Bien tambien.


I only have an a in orchestra and science, even thou I really don't like Mrs. Hienrich. Oh yeah and I have an
A- in P.E.


Fatima, it's me llamo.


My new fav word is Hi-ya..

Celeste :P

me & jorel are still awake hes playin modern warfare 2 and im just doin stuff on the computer.Were stayin up 1 cause we wanna stay up 2 i saw a scary movie so im just a smigen freaked out just a smige


Mr.Regala I thought u do not speak spanish?????? How can u rite??????


hi mr regala long time no see i am doing good at my new school and your class right now is lucky to have you as a teacher. -mason-

Mr. Regala

Hi Mason!

Thanks Mason, It's great to see you on the blog and hear you're doing good at your school. What's your favorite part of middle school? Remember, you can do great things!! Make a difference Mason!


well i dont take spanish but i do take french soooo bonjur. je suis dominique. Elle est blonde. un collage est une ecole en bellevue, es odle - les collage. lol can't beat tht. jk jk jk. ms.Lindberg i hope tht u have a great and awsome wedding and i hope tht all of ur wishes will come true. make tht day ur very best and special day!!!!!

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