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January 26, 2010


Abby  : ]

A friend to me is loyal cause who would want someone not loyal to you,kind because who would like someone mean,respectful i wouldnt want anyone not respectful or they would just be plain rude,someone with confidence so they believe in there self.

And thats what i like in a friend !!!!!!!!!

thanks for listening

Thunderbird/Fernando Javier

A friend to me is
haveing integerity : if he borrowd somthing from me he should give it back.
cuorages:he will stand up for me or be optimous.
wise:who is intelegent and knows what to do

That's a friend to me


A friend to me is who is playful,loyal and nice.

First a friend has to be playful because he could play with when I'm alone and have no one to play with.
Second a friend should be loyal because he sticks with me all the time,plays with me alot and stands up for me.Finally a friend should be nice because he or her say nice things about us and talks with me all the time.I have three friends who is playful,loyal and nice these friends are Fernando,Pratik and Irshad.


A freind for me is pratic.He is loyol.He is nice.Because he never ever complaned on me.Pratic is my best friend for me.


A friend to me is someone who is kind,respestful,and,funny.

To be kind,they would not be mean or rude.
To be respectful,they must not be selfish or ignorant.
And to be funny,they have to have a sence of huemor.
How can he/she be a friend if they are dull and boring.

But those are my ways of having people as friends!

Emily googe

A friend to me is somebody who has loyalty, kindness and determanation.My friend is Meena because she has all of my friend traits and to me she is one of those people I can always count on because she is a great friend.And YOU need to find people and interact to make great friends just like my friend Meena.Now I hope you make friends just like me.

Celeste :P

A friend to me is someone who is funny,nice & always there for me when I’m feelin blue.

FUNNY_I like to be with someone who acts like I do,like I wouldnt want a boring friend that loves the weather I need someone who loves yodeling pickles!

NICE_Im sure EVERYONE wants a nice friend.

ALWAYS THERE FOR ME_Im a sensitive type sometimes so I always need a shoulder to cry on.

Thats a friend to me.


A friend to me is a friend that's always there for me when I'm sad,and has confindence in me, and courage.Because to have a friend you need to have all of the brave things in you to meet a new friend.Thats what a friendship meen's to me.


A friend to me is someone who is loyal ,nice and is there when I need a shoulder to cry on. A friend should have loyalty because I know they won’t betray me or hurt my feelings. They should be NICE because NOBODY wants a bully for a friend. And finally I want a friend who will be there when I’m sad to cheer me up. These are the qualities I want in a friend.

Travis X^)

A good freind to me is fun to play with, nice, and shareful. I want a friend that could play with me cause I don't want to be by myself with nobody to play with. Why do I need a nice freind? Hey a nice freind is like laughing with the chicks... well that was weird but I don't want to be hurt. And now why a shareful and I bet your stomack is asking "Why is a shareful freind even important????????" Well because.... they.... will share stuff with me like chips and other stuff I don't even care. Everyone needs a friend to survive and my frend is nice, play with, and shareful!


A friend to me is loyal,cooperative, and that is there for me. A friend to me has to be loyal because like if you need some backup in a fight they're going a to help you instead of helpin' the other guy. A friend to me has to be cooperative because if you want to do something they will go along with it and support you.A friend to me has to be there for me because when you are in a bad mood they can pick you up and piut you in a good mood.This is what a friend is.


A friend to me is a nice honst and a reaspectful girl or boy.I like a nice friend because they would be there for me and back me up.Also I like somone honst because if they talk bhind my back and lie I woudent like that if they just tell me the truth I woudentEone be mad at her or him.Finally I like somone that is reaspectful like they dont call me stupit or fat.That is what a friend is to me.


A friend to me is someone who is nice, caring, not a bully. I want a friend to be nice, caring, and not a bully because I do not want her to be mean to me or not care about me and lastly I do not want her to be mean to me.


A friend to me is

friendly:so someone could play with me

nice: so he will respect me

courages: so he can stand up for me

That's a friend to me


A feriend to me is nice, there for me, and make sure i am not alone. The reason why a friend will be nice to is you will be nice back.Now the other reason why for there for me is when ever your alone your not because you have friends they never turn there backs on any of your friends.Now the last reason why is if you not alone like if you have 1 life left in a game your friends will make sure your not alone.By


A friand to me is a nice, is always there for me, and plays by the rules. haveing a nice friend is better than mean friend how is mean and bossy all the sudin.And its better haveing a friend how plays by the rules and haveing a friend how doseint play by the rules and ceats all the time.by Bryan


A friend to me is someone who is nice,has honesty& funny.Nice- A friend that is nice wolde not get mad all the time or if I make a mistak.
Honest- A friend that has honesty will not lie to me sometimes a littel but not all the time.
Funny-A good friend should be funny I like laugh a lot until my gut hurts.
So that is what I want in a friend.

meena xD X^) ^^

A friend to me is, someone who is loyal, nice,and cool!:) I want them to be loyal because who doesn't want a loyal friend!? I want to have a nice friend because,nice friends are nice to have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to have a cool friend baecause,who woun't!!!!?


A friend to me is nice, honest and wise. Nice because I don't want to be treated mean. Honest because I don't like a lier and wise to help think of something to play and that's whata friend is to me.


A friend to me is someone kind, respectful, and helpful. I like someone kind because I wouldn't like someone who always is mean to me. I like someone respectful because I won't like it if someone is rude to me. I like someone helpful because I can do stuff quicker. Those are what make a friend for me.


A friend to me is someone who is funny nice and always there for me. The reason why I chose funny is because its cool to have a funny friend. I want to have a nice friend because what if there is a kid who acts to be nice but the kid is mean. I want a friend that is always there for me because if I get hurt then my friend will get somebody and will be there for me.


Hey, Selena your last sentance is how I feel about myself alot and I think I have alot of respect for that and I think you would make a great friend!


Friends r awesome!

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