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« Band & Orchestra Concert | Main | Final Reflections of the Year »

June 18, 2009



Dum dum da dum LOL the party was great!!


tell ms. lindberg congradulation!!!!!!!!! i am really proud of her. when melanya told me that miss lindberg was getting merried i juest couldnt believe it. tell her hi and show her the messege. i a really good at scholl all my teacher's are proud of me. do you knew what a all star means it is when you have really good grades and you dont miss any home work. i am really proud of myself. will by hug's and tell ms lindberg how is she in califonia. one day i will come write after school and visit that mith be next year. their is a teacher that knew's you it is Mr. Fritz he is reall nice. se you xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo


OK I'll tel her that a star cool...

Mr. Regala

Hi Oksana! It was great to see you at the music concert! I will pass on the message to Ms. Lindberg. Have a great summer!!


It's pouring outside!!! My whole front yard is like flooded it's AWESOME!!! Everything looks cool I'm thinking vision wise not damage wise


AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Mrs.Lindgerg looks sooo happy!!! BTW, Michelle go towambie Taylor Lautner is in a tux!!!!!


I know I saw that yesterday!!!! I think I posted something...


Mr.Regala you did not chenge at all in a good way. i bit last year we were better that theis year 5 graders jkjkjkjk hahahahahaha. i really like middle school it is really cool. bye see ya

Mr. Regala

Hi Oksana,

I forgot to mention how proud I am of you being an "All Star"! I'm glad you are doing well in school! Keep it up!!


Ocksana why does that ring a bell???


Or maybe there the wedding bells that are ringing!!!LOL


Theres Thunder outside VAMPIRES ARE PLAYIN BASEBALL!!!!

Afomia Seleshi, last year student

CONGRATZ MRS LINDBERG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Robert Pattison was hit by a cab!! I knew this like the day it heppened but I forgot to say about it at first I thought it wasn' real he's ok (thank goodness) but he's just broozed and his hip hurt's *sigh* hope you feel better RPattz

melanya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  GGGGGGGGGGGG55555555555555555555

i still cant bellive she got ingaged

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