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« Final Reflections of the Year | Main | The G5 Graduates...on to Middle School! »

June 23, 2009



whooo I look awesome!!!!!


That was fun the music was...not now more like 'Mr.Regala time' ♫ ♫ ♫


Look at Kamryne LOL HA HA I looke pretty silly myself...

Fatima sad and lonly

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Sooo cute! Michelle go to wambie right now!.BTW Mr.Regala Im going to miss u sooooooo much! U ROCK!


I can't beleive we graduated today.
Mr.Regala you are BTE. (best teacher ever)
I will still blog.
See everone tommorow.
Till then bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mr.Regala is the BTE!!!! whoo go mr.R!!!

Michelle and fatima

I am so sad I want to cry again!!! Fatima says hi and she missies you all already!!! I want to cry again!!!


Rosi was crying so bad she made me cry.I do not want to go to Middle school.


I was trying to cry -Fatima


Fatima how can you not cry when you are leaving Mr.Regala and Ms.Lindberg?I don't know how you did that.Also you are leaving elementary school.But Rosie was getiing really emotional.That's what made me cry.Also leaving the whole G5 and the whole elementary school.I don't know how I will live.

Fatima sad and lonly

OME! Michael Jackson is dead!!!!! My mom is devested! OMG! I just wathched our graduation video and bursted in tears. Im cryinng right now. I miss u Mr.R! And everyone else!!!!! SOB,sob,sob!!!

Fatima sad and lonly

I cant stop crying!

Fatima sad and lonly

Someone help!! I cant stop! I miss everyone!

Fatima,lonley,and scared

Im scared of middle school now. I used to be sooo excited. Why couldnt I cry at school??? The computer is getting soaked. Im still crying hard.:(


Fatima calm down take a few deep breaths and one the first day of school or should I say middle school.Go meet Mr.Regala after school that will make you feel way better.I also miss everone but it's okay this is a momment to cry and a momment to laugh.Just think that you are on winter break and after 2 months you are going to a different school because they are remodeling Stevenson that will make you feel better.


Mr.Regala why did you have to send us to middle school can't you teach middle school?:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(::(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Mr. Regala

Hi everyone,

I miss you all too! We had such a great year! You'll all do great next year. Enjoy your summer and chillax as much as you can...

melanya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  GGGGGGGGGGGG55555555555555555555

mr.regalai will miss you and miss lindberg the must you guys are my favorite teathers ! we had a lot of fun in the ggggggggggggggggggg55555555555555 and an asome year i cant even stop thinging about it why did you have to send us to middle scool you can stiill teach us 6 grad stuff your an expert i cant even came doun on the first day of middle scool i am going to came and visite you that will make me fell better i dont now hoqw i am going to live with out the g5 for my whiole life i realy miss every one when i came home i started to call my best friends i cant e ven wath the video it makes me cry harder mr.ragaia and miss lindberg you guys are the best see you dont ferget me that i am still part of the ggggggggggg555555555555

melanya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  GGGGGGGGGGGG55555555555555555555

hi mr.regala kamryn looks like shes a super man shes in the air i really like the asome picture


It looks like my tongue is sticking out in a weird way. I'm wearing the same shirt today.

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