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November 13, 2008



I expect to learn what the kindergarteners learn to do now because when I was there I did the usual stuff. My buddy was named Nicole and she read really,really good so when I come next time I will try to make her read a harder book so I can't wait.


I didn't have a buddy because my buddy got sick and went home. But it was fun looking at them. And just seeing them learn from kings of the school.


My reading buddie is Nelly she is five years old and her favorite color is green ,she also has dark hair like me.the first thing we did was fill out a sheet of paper with questions it was like an interview.then we put a book in order and then read it.we were like the first ones finished so me and Nelly read her books in the bag but then it was time to go.I had fun with my new reading buddie:]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


My reading buddy name is Pushan and he is vary nice and he is funny and he is a good reader. I like him because he is cool.


Having a reading buddy was very interesting.My buddies name was Abishri.She was smart.It was sort of wierd siting in a tiny chair.My knees were touching the bottem of the desk.over all it was fun!;)


I never knew that my buddy ( and Dante's) can be smart.My buddy,Hung,knew all the colors just to read the only one time and he is really good at reading too.I guess he pratice the colors at home.What I learned from this experience is you can learn something new just by reading with your buddy.


My first experience working with the kindergartners was really good and also really fun. my buddie was nice kind and full of excitment and she never gave up in reading. I really like teaching my buddie new things and I like teaching her new words too. I can't wait till I go visit her again. GOOD LUKE WITH YOUR READING ,READING BUDDIE!!!!!!!!


By the way the one I did at the top is messed up.


My first experience with my kindergartner was wierd at first. I got a little boy this time his name was Vansh, I never had a boy body in my life. I was scared that he wouldn't like me but he was just very shy.we had to awser some qestions like what is your favorite color.I was so shocked at his hand writing it was better than my hand writing when I was in kindergartner. I learn it's ok having a boy as a little buddy.


My experience with my kindergarten buddy is that when we read a book,he always pays attention and he is smart.Sai is a very good reader.


I didn't go because I had to go to speech class but I can make up for not being ther I will be comeing next time but not the whole time if I can't.I will give you a gift 2.


My experience was very intertaning wauching them read all there small books. It was funto see them.


My experience working/reading with the kindergartners is fantastic. Grabiela, my partner is so nice that when ever we read, she does have a tough time sounding out words but she sometimes gets a hang of reading a couple sentances. What I expect to learn from this experience is to work together with my buddy and teach her how to read smoothly in complete sentances almost like how I did in first grade with my fith grade buddy. Peace!


I had fun with my buddy Chris. It is hard to tell what he is saying because he dose not speak english. He is a great buddy.


My buddies name was Hung his forarite color was blue and he is 5 years old and he has dark hair and dark eyes and he was very smart and he knows where red is and every good by finding colors.I think Hung was a very great guy and likes to ask a lot of question to ask and I think Hung is a great guy.


My science teachers name is Mr Hung!


By the way I just want to say that I really like my reading buddie Nelly . I can not wait untill next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:]!


My reading buddy was Nilay.He really knew his colors.I think kindergarteners can learn from us.
Also all of them were so cute.What I learned from this expeiriene is that you can learn what kindergarteners learn even though your in a higher grade level.


Hey! Iam at a dnner party right now.Booooooooooriiiiiiiinnnnnggggg!

Amber Lee Perez

Wow you all are super lucky to have that class, Mrs.Luw is sucha good teacher, my little bro had her as a k teacher. Well gotta go, hope to see you soon.

Mr. Regala

Hi Amber,

The G5 really enjoys having their reading buddies! Ms. Luwe's class is great!!


im not in mr regalas class but, good luck g5

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