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September 25, 2008



When im not at school I ride my bike from dangorus places like the big long staires.A bumpy littel hill.My hobby is biking too.I can ride my bike with no hands.


Hi Mr.Regala,
What I like to do when I'm not in school is playing the computer,playing Nintendo DS and watching movies.
Sometime I like to play badminton with my dad during the summer.
I have about 4 fishes.One thing to know about my fishes is they eat a lot.
Unfortunatley,I don't any special skills that no one has.
These are the interesting facts about myself.BYE!!!


When i not at school i like to play computer or play wii and watch tv and homework if i have any.
The video game i play is scarface and super hero.
My hobbies is all the sport i can do every sport.
I have no pet.I can jump from 2 flore to the first flore.


Some interesting facts about me are,when I am not at school I like to go out to play at a park and ride a bike or play at the water park in Crossroads Park.My hobbies are collecting rocks and stickers.I have no pets but I want one I want a kitten or a puppie.One skill I have is I can do 20 back flips on the bar non-stop or by getting dizzy.


I am silvana I like playing soccer,and vollyball.I have three friends that I like to play with when I am not at school.With Vanessa I like riding my bike.with Kamryn Ilike to go shopping.By the way I also like camping.BY.


When I am not at school I go to my freinds house,I do my homework,I watch a movie.My hobbies are doing gymnastics,going swimming and practicing for math.I have 3 pets Willy,Toulus and Misu.I used to have a cat but she died.I can touch my nose with my feet backwards.


When I am not at school I play otside with Sam and Kshitij, first Sam and me try to get Kshitij when he's on a bike once we catch him,Kshitij then trys to catch Sam and me.I have 5 cats adult cats and 3 small kittens.My special skill that no one else has is I can bend my arm back far and it kind of looks like I broke my arm.I have 2 high school brothers that I fight with sometimes be cause they get on my nerves.


Hi my name is Natallie. My BFF is fatima. I like hanging out with her.I like playing with my dog Hogan,my cats and doing art.I like playing golf and skiing,and piano.And I have fish and 1 hamster. I am also outgoing and bold.I love to go shopping with my BFF! She is so cool and wierd in a good way!!! No I do not have any special talents!


I like to play basetball at my houes I sometims like to do socer sometimes to I play with my sister a little bit and I play viedogames a lot and it's very fun I got a ps2 and a xbox I going to get a psp tomorrow and I like to sleep.


Hi!My name is Rosabella,I'm part of the G5. What I like to do after school is being with my family and going to my grandparent's house. What I like about my grndparents is that they care about me they're part of my fammily so thats why I love them. I also have alot of hobbys that I like to do.What I llike to do is swimming,foot ball,tenis,and taking care of my baby cousin. Those are all of my favorite hobbys. If you want to know if I have a pet I don't. My mom doesn't like pets. Well thats all the things that I know about me so see you later folks.


I can do 30 pushup with my hands I play socer and
football boxing to I got a ps2 and a xbox I go before I go out side play I play tag. Battlefeid
football games boxing games


When I am not at school I like to go play out side in the park with my bike,or some times I play my xbox.Some times I go do 6 laps around a small park.I do not have any pets at home . I can do a wheely on my bike.


My hobby is making models.I like to throw frisbys.
I have a pet named Lizzy.I dont know why but she
ate all her babys.


My name is Fatima. I have a BFF named Natallie who is of the hook! I love watching movies with Brad Pit in them and Angalina Jolie. My favorite hobby is taking pictures with my dads camra. I do not have any pets but I love playing with my BFF's dog!


I use to have a pet but som bate killd my dog he wase a good dog I mise my dog my dog wante home bay hem selfe. I can red 2books at ta som time its fun.


Hi Mr.Regala
I have no hobbies except doing my homework.
I like homework because homework is good practice for me. What i do whene i am not at school is riding my bike even if it is raining.Biking help me get my mind of things and helps me relax and find solutions to my probloms.


I'm thai. My hobby is creating stuff. On my free time I like to watch T.V. My family opened a new resturant in Broadway Seattle. The resturant opened on July 4th of this year. I have lots of fun at the resturant. I go to the resturant every Monday, Tuesday ,Friday, and Sunday. I like to do art. This is my 6th year in Amarica. I spent 2 years in New Jersey and 4 years in Washington.


I'm teresa,

What I like to do when I'm not at school is draw and read.My hobbies are reading drawing and listening to music.My pets are Tom Cat,Coaco,and Goldie.I dont have any special skills.


My hobbies are playing soocer, I like dancing too.


Hi, I'm Hannah, and I am a G5 student. After school and homework I go outside and play with my best friend. We normally bake and then sell the food we baked. I have five pets, the first three are guenea pigs. There is, Plumy who is my favorite, the Faty, he lives for his name, the last guenea pig is Rosy, she always runs away if you want to pet, touch, or pick her up. The last two pets are a cat and a rabbit. The rabbit's name is Bigfoot, she always jumps over the middle of the cages... and she has big feet. My cat's name is Emily, she just wanders around the apartment and looks outside the window. People say she looks fat but her fur is just all fluffy and thick, if all her hair would be shaved off, she would look really skinny and sad. My hobbies are ridding my bike, smimming, and playing on the computer.


When I am not at school I like playing on the computer, and going to my friends house.My hobbies are doing gymnastics,going swimming and learning.I do not have have any pets but I want a dog.My specal skills are i can tie a cherry pitt in my mouth.


Hi my name is Anthony and when im not at school i do homework .ps in middle school you have tons of it.sorry for bad handwriting


Hi guys. im about to cath the bus.bye

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