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« G5 Wins! | Main | The G5 Graduates »

June 17, 2008



I have had a great year this year and wish I could stay with all my friends or at least are forced to go to the same middle schools! I will miss everyone for ever because they are the family of frogs I know and love :) Ill miss you guys!


I have had a great year this year and wish I could stay with all my friends or at least are forced to go to the same middle schools! I will miss everyone for ever because they are the family of frogs I know and enjoy:) Ill miss you guys!

Haruto Cheng

it has been a good year. We went to many places and of all the school i went this is the best. i will miss all of the G5 but i know that i will still remember you all. P.S see you later!!!


This year has been great. Thank you Mr. Regala, for a fun-filled year! You're the best teacher i had. I'm really going to miss everyone here.


I had a awesome year in G5.I wish i could stay one more year.The teachers were so friendly.I had just come at the end of 4th grade to Stevenson from Singhagad Spring Dale School.How can i ever forget Mr.Ragala?I think he was the best teachers in Stevenson for me.This is the last week of school.Graduation is tommorow.*Sigh* If i see a shooting star,I would wish that i could be here,in stevenson for 1 more year.


I will remember the amount of respect the class gave me, It made me feel like I belonged in the classroom. I got respect because I was voted captain of the class, I came to lead the line, Tell people what to do (politely), and repersent Mr. Regalas class. I will always remember this 5th grade year, it will always have the G5 in my heart.


What i reflect on is how we all had the best teacher in the world. Mr.Regala is so nice because on some fridays we would go out and play kickball it was so much fun to see how far he could kick the ball.


this year was great i had a great time with all of you guys and i hope you guys have a great summer!!!!!!!!


It is going to be really sad when we can't see our friends anymore because most of us are going to go to the same school but some are not. Most of us are going to Odle and some of us are going to Higland plus one person in our class is going to go to International. So we are all going to miss Anthony more then th others. So it is going to be really hard for some people to forget their best friends in Stevenson.


My refelction on this year is how great our teachers are like Mr.regala and Ms.lindberg.Also Camp Moran because we had so much fun there, like when we played life and death. The most funnest thing this year was winning the kickball game aganist the teachers.AHHHH that felt so good winning 10-11.


It is going to be really sad when we can't see our friends anymore because most of us are going to go to the same school but some are not. Most of us are going to Odle and some of us are going to Higland plus one person in our class is going to go to International. So we are all going to miss Anthony more then th others. So it is going to be really hard for some people to forget their best friends in Stevenson.


My refelction on this year is how great our teachers are like Mr.regala and Ms.lindberg.Also Camp Moran because we had so much fun there, like when we played life and death. The most funnest thing this year was winning the kickball game aganist the teachers.AHHHH that felt so good winning 10-11.


This year was sooooooooooo much fun cause the g5 had the best teachers ever! The most part was when we played kickball with the teachers!


I like when we play kickball we win the teacher but they almost win us also that Mr. Regala is the best teacher in the world


I like when we play kickball we win the teacher but they almost win us also that Mr. Regala is the best teacher in the world


I will miss my peaps!!!!!!!
Even though we mighta not liked some of us we are still friends.In the beggining of the year I didn't really like Mason.I didn't even reconise or meet him until his last day at stevenson.I was a good friend.I remember it like it was yesterday.I treated him with respect.Till this day if he reterns I will welcome him with a HUGE smile and a great HIGH 5.If you read this mason you really rock dude.
For all the people who pased this class never wanted to leave us.Mason didn't want to leave us.Jason didn't want to leave us.Rutchet didn't want to leave.marium,valeria,puja,omar.we will really miss ya'll.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO G5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We beat the teachers at the kickball game!!! The teachers thought that they were going to beat us but we beat them 17-10.

Amber Lee Perez

Well it is super sad to be leaving Stevenson! I am always going to remember how when ever I was down how Carolina would always make me feel really good! I am mostly going to miss Aldo because he was always there for me! Last but soooo not least I am going to miss Jose because when we were in 4th grade we would always play soccer! Oh yeah, I am also going to miss Anthony because he was a really big part of our class! So: YEAH, YEAH, YEAH! G5 ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!!!!!!

Amber Lee Perez

Well it is super sad to be leaving Stevenson! I am always going to remember how when ever I was down how Carolina would always make me feel really good! I am mostly going to miss Aldo because he was always there for me! Last but soooo not least I am going to miss Jose because when we were in 4th grade we would always play soccer! Oh yeah, I am also going to miss Anthony because he was a really big part of our class! So: YEAH, YEAH, YEAH! G5 ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!!!!!!


I love myself to bad.People are all lisining to with you by chris >THat hurts


My year was sooo graet it's super dupper sad that i'm leaving stevenson. Stevenson has been like my second home for me with my bff!!!!I'm so going to miss my bff's ferny,ambro'maile,and karlita!!!They always were there when i felt sad!!!!i'm also going to miss my other bff's too aldito and jose they were always there to make me laugh!!!they always started makeing jokes!!! going to miss my name posole!!!

Jose castillo to mr.r

Mr.regala don't forget to give us the password for our portraits on your new picture websites!


this year has been one of the bast years to the point of looking back on the year all the fun and tests that we as g5 have done then you think (Well i do) that the year has gone by fast


ITs not like i will never se you i live near odle my school end earlyer then odle and i have a buss pass free from school i can use it anytime in washington and anywhere .And there is a bus stop right by odle .im happy the is no prism program in internation but there is one in odle i thought internation was a geek school but when i saw it was't happy.

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