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August 20, 2007



I am excited .I think 5 grade is going to be a fun and chalenging year .But time flys .You won't notice t vetrans day,winter break etc 13 days left. see ya soon .

Mr. Regala

Hi Anthony,

I'm glad you're excited. It will be a fun and challenging year! What time is it over in Riga?


11.28 pm june 20in seaattle -9 .38 am june 21 +10 hour.I'm going on the plane sooon.

Mr. Regala

Have a safe trip back to Seattle Anthony! I'll see you soon!


I am so excited for Middle School. Today we got our lockers and class schedules. I tested the combination on the locker. It was hard for to get the hang of it. Some other people had a hard time with it too. I am hoping I will be able to visit Stevenson atleast once a week.

Mr. Regala

Hi Rochana,

WOW...lockers...how cool...you'll get the hang of it! Feel free to stop by Stevenson anytime!

Kaleb Runnells

Please...Dont remind me about school...

Mr. Regala

Hi Kaleb! I know you're excited to get back to school :)


so excited! its gonna be great!

Mr. Regala

Hi Rebecca!

Weewoo...where's the other half of weewoo?? I hope you're having a great summer.


Looks like everyone is excited for Back to school

Rebecca Matchett

Woo's been with me practically all summer actually. i dont know probably at home with her dogs


Is the other half of the weewoo supposed to be Caitlin? school in 3 days. The s is not working properly. I have to bang on it.

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