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April 02, 2007



If I could eat only one thing for the rest of my life it would be cheeseburgers.Cheeseburgers are my favorite.I would eat only that because i like cheeseburgers a lot.Plus you can get fries with them.

Tanya[o no you didn't]

IfI could only eat one tipe of food it would be lassanya beacouse it is good tasty and dilishis.but some times i ratherd not eat because i would be sick of all the time and if i ran out id go to the storwe and bie more to eaT.There is nothing more like lassanya all the time to drik it would probly sprite or fanta.

Mr. Regala

You're making me hungry...grrrrrr


My house's fire alam rang when I was goming from boys and girls club. And it was almost on fire. I was so scread. And I called Samantha and I tolled her every thing she said "well it is not in the end if the story". So I will tell you my story tomorow. Bye!!

Mr. Regala

Wow...Basak...I can't wait to hear more! See yah tomorrow.

anthony aka tony

im doing the safe survey im done with it im bored.

anthony aka tony

im doing the safe survey im done with it im bored.

Mr. Regala

Hi Anthony AKA Tony,

Don't forget to look at your sentences when you are done. Capitalization? Periods?Commas?

anthony aka tony


anthony aka tony

I accidentally posted two times.

Basak :- } Hi!! :- }

Hey someone write please. No one wrote in 5 days. Well now u just wrote. But please write on it. And Mr.Regala you should change the read aloud to something other than Gregor and the Overlander.

See you on Monday!!!!

Mr. Regala

Hi Basak,

Yes...I know...I will be starting a new book on Monday. Have a great weekend!

Basak :- } Hi!! :- }

Mr.Regala what story are we going to read?


When I play a sport will I get a little not so good at it. So some times I dont play it.But relly I play so much games over the year.But then ever 5graders have to play vs the Techers. So I am geting redy to play with them.


It is April and it is spring and it is my frevort time. I juste need 1 month for my burthday it is in may 20 and I am gowing to be 11. One thing that I dont like of April is the WASL and we dont get to do speselist thats the good part and the bad one is that ther is WASL for 2 weeks.


Hi. I broke my arm while skateboarding on Friday.I twisted my bone and cracked it.When I went to the doctor my arm hurted really bad.But on Tuesday I got my cast on so it didn't hurt as much.The color of my cast is blue.

Kaleb Runells

Andrew, i saw you crash, you fliped when you tryed to jump off...THAT WAS AWESOME! I just nailed kickflips =)

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