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March 06, 2007



Well if you looked at the picture at the back at them your house is so, so, so, bad. I think we should do that again. So my last team Rochana, and Nicole. Think about it.


Ey Bask you should make a new house because when we need to go inside our house you guys would have to get flat.


Well I can't get flat that is so hard. And you spelled my name worng.

Basak{I am so excited}

Well we are going to have a concert in 1:00. I am so excited. So I'll see you Rochana. And Ms.Lingberg, and maybe Mr.Regala.

Basak{Mr.Regala can you tell me our homework}

I wrote it down but i whant to make ssure i got them. Can you tell me?


Basak , iam sorry that i spelled your name wrong!!!And if i spelled it weong again i'm sorry but your name is hard to spell. Is your name spelled B-A-S-A-K?!?!?!

Did i get it right? If i did yes i know how to spell your name and it wouldn'tbe hard anymore!!!!

AkA ShOrTy


haha! You guys are riot! I hated acting today! My voice was annoying, and Rapheal's girl voice!!! hahaha!!!


HAHAHA!! Wow, i'm in a hahaha mood =/


Well you did get my name right, but you spelled wrong, wrong. That sounded weird so bye!!!!!!!!!

Naruto Uzumaki (Kaleb)

NOOO!! i typed that messege four times and it keeps getting deleted!!! Ahhh, well quickly i'll sum it up, i need and idea for somthing to replace monkeys....so post me ideas please, thank you

Daniel Herrera (Bunny)

i know episode 226 was cool because it was very boring and whats naruto? well bye hahahahahahahahah!!!!

Daniel Herrera (Bunny)

i know episode 226 was cool because it was very boring and whats naruto? well bye hahahahahahahahah!!!!

Gaara( David )

Hey everybody how ya guys doing ?

Tanya[ o no u didn't

YESTERDAY Iwas hoping there was no school my ant saidto look it up in the computer.there was O NO U DIDN'T

Mr. Regala

Nice Tanya...

Kaleb Runells

Hahaha, Tanya, your funny!


what kind of name is that

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