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« Sound off G5 | Main | class fun »

September 07, 2006



I most like to play board games and have fun with my family. I think I most like to be with my friend and family so bye.

Your lost truper ANTHONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mr. Regala

Hi Anthony, I'm glad 4th grade is fun. Do your best!!!!

Puja Gopaul Sookram

Hi Mr.Regala,
Whats Up? I see, on your poster it used to say that "I want you to be in G3" and now its G5. 4th Grade is so fun... Mrs. Johnson is nice.Its alot of homework but its time for me to handle it. In our class there is this one lady who comes with her dog.... The dog is so small. I am sad that I am not in the Third Herd... I am in the 4th herd with Mrs. Johnson.How is Jack and Emma?

3rd Herd Trooper

Mr. Regala

Hi Puja,
It's great to hear from you and know that your enjoying the 4th grade. Jack and Emma are doing great! They are growing up fast. Work hard and be a leader!!!


HI!!!!!! G5 ,I think its going to be a great year. have fun.


Mr. Regala

GO G5!!!!


http://www.k-fee.com/fileadmin/video/KFEEYOGA.MPG this page has really scary advetisments its simular to the one you showed us a long time ago

Mr. Regala

That was cool Anthony! Thanks for waking me up!!!

Hi Mr.Regala well Today i had my soccer games and we won this soccer game.The score was 5 and the other teams had 4 points. i just came fromm the soccer game.Every thurstday i have my soccer game. And we also won it.


Hi Mr.Regala well Today i had my soccer games and we won this soccer game.The score was 5 and the other teams had 4 points. i just came fromm the soccer game.Every thurstday i have my soccer game. And we also won it.

Mr. Regala

Congratulations on your WIN!! I'm glad you're having fun playing soccer! I'll see you on Monday. Don't forget to read,read,read...


Mr.Regela did you know shaun Alexander was playing on sunday on nov/19/06. by Terrecne


In class we are doing social studie.Today the Huskies are going 2 vs the Cougars. I am going to cheer for HUSKIES.
Go HUSKIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kaleb Runnells

WHY IS TIME GOING BY SO FAST! BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, IT WILL BE THE END OF THE YEAR! Why, it seems like yesterday I just came to Stevenson!

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