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Member since 03/2005


April 20, 2006



If we lived underwater What will happen if we get eaten by a shark or croc?
We would have to live in bid sea caves( What I call them). The kids would have to play like swimming games and tag by swimming. School would teach you how to swim and I don't know.


If everyone lived underwater we would live In underwater caves. We would play find the mermaid if they exist. The school would have teachers, students, vice principle, and the principles, but some things would be different like the environment and the surface.


If everyone lived underwater,it would be weird.People woudn't be able to live anywhere because they need to breath.Children would probably play tag.School would be very hard.


If everyone lived under water it would be we crazy and thel play swim tag and school will be weird and I mean weird.


If evryone lived under water our school would be sharks and I would play tackeling sharks and I would hunt ,a shark and eat the shark.And it would also be fun to bother a shark and maw it chase you.


If we all lived underwater we will probably all die because we will get no air. We would live in house like in spongebob square pants.We could still play the same games as we play on the surface.The only thing is it will all go slover.Are schools will be the same.

If everyone lived under water it would be cool because there will be zero gravity and stevenson elementery would be called seavenson sealementry.


If every one lived under water I would have a JAWS as a pet. And I would let it go hunting well we would split the kill 50% each. For I will be a MERMAN. It would be so cool but people will look funny. School will be fun and humans will try to to catch us for money. And we will have plenty of lock downs. We will have so much fun and games like kelpball.


If everyone lived under water they would be mermades for girls. And amphibians for boys.I would live in the deppest part of the ocean.I would play with the turtles and make fun of the sharks.The school would be about serviving in the deep ocean.Then know one will ever remamber humans.


If everyone lived underwater, everyone would look like a fish and we would look demented as a human and fish combined.Also everything would be boring because there would be no video games, and nothing would be invented and teachers would have a hard time teaching.


Dear World,If we lived underwater,well first of all we would die without oxygen which we need.If we get past that obstacle the animals like sharks and orcas would eat us.People would have to live in sea caves where there is no water.Inside the sea cave there would not be any light.If there is not any light then our skin would rot and eventually we would die.If we lived underwater we couldn't play and games at all unless you count riding on a Whale Shark.It would be tough to get to school because we would have to swim.But in the water there would be no buildings so there would not be any school.

Bye World,



Hi class,
If we all had lived underwater you would be blurry because would not get to breath. The people would live underwater in a clam or a castle underwater or in a big underwater kingdom. The children would play pearl ball. The school would be like a school underwater and the school on top and all of the boys and girls would be mermaids and mermans.


If evreawon lived undr wotr peapol woid have to be murmads and murmen and anamals woued be fish.And kids woud play games like murtag and murhide and seak.and for scool descs and chars wood be clams and so wood laptop copyootrs.


If every one lived under water I can see weird things and eat fish food, and play games, and shark's can eat me.


If we lived underwater we would be learning swimming. People will live where there is safty so there will not be in danger.The place most of the people will live in a place that the door could open and close.The childern's will play swiming tag.Or they well play Hide and seek.All the things that we play on land exsept it would be all swimming..At the school we will be learning swiming and not getting in danger in the ocean.

That would be the living in the water..

Catalina O.

If we would live under water people would maybe live in small rock houses and they have to find there food and how to cook
cause who would eat raw fish?
And they would be in danger for the sharks!
And childeren would play swim tag or hide and seek.
And at school we would learn to swim and comunicate and write on rocks and how to defend yourself.


Hi class,
If we all had lived underwater you would just see blurry and you would get used to it after a while. If we lived there for a couple of months and you do need to breath but in this situation you would not because you would start to get your whole body to be scaly and you would be turned into a mermaid or a merman!!!!!!!!! So you would not need to come out a lot. Our houses would be a place underwater and it would not be as pretty as a house on top but it will be even better and even prettier. It would be in a kingdom of mermaid and merman. It would be called Mar aqua. That’s the apartment’s name. Our school would be called Seashellelamentery, and it would be huge! The game tag would be called sag and the children would only want to play that game. Our school would have coral instead of desks. That is how my life would be underwater.


If the kidn live under water they will play tage and the school's would be wet and dirdy and they will flote they will live in the water


It will be so cool. Munch fun to play in the water because you could swim around and be like mermaids and we will swim fast. People would live in a cave and is school will called SeaShineShore Elemetery School.


If we lived under water we will all be mermaids.Then the school well be called sea school.I think that the town under the sea well be called mermaidea because there are mermaids in that town.I think we woud play ring around the star because it well look like a star byb see you soon.

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