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April 10, 2006



Hi Mr.Regala,
I am ready to face WASL as i have been studying for my WASL test.

Mr. Regala

Hi Puja,



Hi Mr.REGALA im ready fore the WASL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am scared of lord wasl.


Hi mr.Regala i am ready to face the Wasl to acmplish my goal.the force will be with every body.


I must face my wost fears and I must face Lord WASL.May the force be with you all young Jedi Padawan's taking the WASL- Jedi Master Vyas.


Hi Mr.Regala I'm ready to beat Lord WASL. By the way I know what WASL means. It means Washington Assessment Of Student Learning.


I think I'm am ready for the wasl testand Mr.Regala mad a movie called the wasl he made the movie so wear not nerves.


I think I will ace the wasl.


I think I can pass because i also passed the gate test.


I am ready for the WASL!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi mr. Regala I will face the wasl.

Emi's Dad

Hey Everybody,

I see that Lord Wassle is coming, but that you're all ready with confident attitudes. Fight hard and victory shall be yours!
The city which I'm in now is famous for dragons. Maybe one day, I'll see one walking down the street.
Are you all behaving yourselves in the morning, lining up and being quiet as you're supposed to be?

Mr. Regala

Hi Emi's Dad!

It's great to hear from you. I hope all is well over in the land of the rising sun.

Emi's Dad

Land of the Rising Sun? It also sets .....
Still, I have a geography question for everyone: why does the Japanese flag have a cricket ball on it when they play baseball, not cricket, here?

Gopaul Sookram

Hi All,

I honestly hope that you all did your very best in the WASL test. The results will reflect how well you did and how much attention you paid in class. Now that its over it seems like a heavy burden have been lifted of your shoulder.But don't forget that there will be more WASL in the very near future.So please don't put away all the books just yet. Keep on studying so that you will always be prepared and you will always be confident that you can take the WASL challenge whenever it comes. You have a grate Teacher, make use of this opportunity for it will not come again. Just do it.

Mr. Regala

Well said Gopaul! JUST DO IT!


Dear Emi's dad this why it is that on the Japanese flag has a cricket ball on it. They have very little in common besides that ball they both throw around. But they play it in their own way.


I think the Japanese baseball flag has a cricket ball on it because it's baseball not a cricket and a cricket ball could be like a ball for baseball.


Hi Emis Dad,
I think it is a red spot or something red but it doesn't look like a cricket ball but maybe its a red baseball because in India I saw lots of red baseballs in India and they are not crickeyt balls.


Hello,Puja's dad, I don't really think the WASL was hard,ecxept for a few questions.It was okay.


Dear Mr.Sookram,

Well after the WASL I actually did not fell so bad and I really enjoyed it and I wished every week was WASL week because it was very fun.And I am still preparing.




I don't now tell us.



Emiys dad we can't find out can you please tell us.


Dear Emi's dad we don't know at all. Please tell us why?

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