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December 01, 2005



If there was a snow day I would play in the snow then play my XBOX.Then i would take a nap .Then eat dinner and then sleep for good


If it snowed I would make thousands of snowballs and and make a snow tank and make it shoot out snowballs and I would ski.

Anthony .c

I would make a1 snow ball bigger than the world.




If we had a snow day at school I would be so happy because we can party and make snow man and make a snow angel and have a snow ball fight.


I would go outside and play with the snow,make a snowman,go on the sled and go down a big hill! I would have hot choclate and when i finish playing I wacth little bit of T.V(or a movie)then go on the computer on my account and much more .My favorite seoson is winter!I would play snow fight!


I would sleey in.


If we had a snowing day I would do a snowman and I would make a snow angel!I would have a snow ball fight because I really like snow!


If there were a snow day I would play is the snow and make snow angels and make a snow family.I would go to a hill and slide down the hill.


If it was snowing I will make a snow man.Then I will play snow ball fight with my sister.And then I will make a houes of ice and in joy my live by see you soun by.


If it was a snow day I would snore and go to sleep or I would play out side.


I am really exited about the snow! but if there was a snow day, I would go out side and go play and make a snowman and start a snowball fight!I love the snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jacob s.

If we had a snow day I'd bild snow forts and have snow ball fites.


If there were a snow day I would throw a snow ball at Clayton and he will throw back and we will have a snow ball fight.


I will make snow angls with my frends and have a snow ball fite it will be so mach fun.


Today is a snowy day.If today was a realy realy snowing day it will be a snow day!If it was a snow day I would play in the snow and make a snowman!
That is what I would do!

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