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October 27, 2005



About the fall party can we bring other people coustumes. and i will bring as much candy as i can.


If I was taller then trees I would be mad.I would not be abale to get in school and I am only in 3rd grade so I dont want to be that tall.People are not that tall and they might tink that is so not real and i could not go any where and i could not go in a car and cant fit in my house and i could reach the cloud o most .I would not like to be that tall.



If I grew taller than a tree it would be very abnormal because usally people are smaller than a tree this would change my life because I would get anything I want because people would get scared of me even the police execpt the sad thing is that i wouldnt get to live in my own house and my toys or ext. would be too small for me to play with and i wouls be even bigger than my sister and my own mom!


If I was taller than I trees because it make me so mad at my self and I would not pick the phone up.I would not go to school and I would not go to my grandpa house and I will be so sad.


I would play basketball and bit ever one and by mvp in the nba.


If I was taller than it would change my live alot because first I could not drive a car and my live would be ruened


If I was taller then the trees it would change my life beacause I would see a over top view of the world.It would also change my life by:If I went to a city I would smach it.Also if I tried to drive a car I could not.Also if I tried to buy something I could not.


If I was taller then a tree I proboly will be a .U.S.A. marine!And win every war!The end.


If i grow taller then a tree i wood jamp to the moon and take a bite out of the moon and jump to building to building,


If i was as tall as a tree i would be evil . And take over the world . And make everybody scared.Andit will totally mes up my life.and see you soon.


If i was tall as a tree i will be very very very very very very sad cass i will get tess.so i wish i was not tall cass i wont fit in howes. so by.


If I was taller than a tree I would not like it because you can't do what the regeler pepol could do!


If I was TALL as the tree it will rooen my life because I will fite in to the door.


If I was taller than a treeI problywill.get on the war and defeat the bad gueys the end


If I was taller than trees It would ruin my life. It would ruin my life because everyone would start calling me long legs over and over and over again. They will also call me big foot.Then I wouldn't fit in with the other kids.It would also hurt my feelings.


If i grew taller than trees it would be good and bad.The good news is I could easily dunk without jumping in basketball. The bad news is my genes will make me grow at a astonishing rate that I would nearly die or I may live with a rare disease and set a world record 19ft 11 in higher than Robert Pershing Wadlow who is 8ft 9in.I could never fly in a aeroplane,drive a car or even be in the navy because I would be too tall to see if I got shot and I would be a perfect target for the enemy.


If I was taller than a tree it would ruin my whole life.It would ruin my life because everyone will start calling me long legs.Do you no way because it will hurt my filling.


If I was tolr then a tree I wood get my sticy bollfrom the top of the covrd area.


If I grew taller than a tree I would like it because I would be a giant and I like giants a lot.But I would not like it because I would not be able to go to school.


If I was taller than a tree I would be enbarest because I might be the only one who is taller than a tree.I think I would ask a wich to tern me into a regeler person!

Jono - Mr. Regala's older bro

If I was taller than a tree I would make the Guiness Book of World Records. I would be famous. When the photographer comes to take my picture for the book, he will need a really really wide lense so my whole body can fit in the picture.

If I was taller than a tree, I would dominate track and field events. I would be able to take 1 step where it would take a normal human being 10 steps. World records would fall one by one.

If I was taller than a tree, I would live in the mountains and the forests. I would live off of the fat of the land. No building will be able to house me.

If I was taller than a tree, I would be taller than you.


Hey jono I saw your letter and it was cool so see you soon homy G.

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